
Ch. 18- Social Media and Marketing

Social media is "any tool or service that uses the internet to facilitate conversations." According to the results of search in Google and another references, Mr Kazama is the only community manager behind the massive corporate social channels for MUJI, where 818,000 Facebook fans, 186,000 Twitter fans and 40,000 Mixi fans gather.And then,MUJI 's Instagram owns more than 34100 fans  for providing a way to customs leave their comments and wish .It also have auto clients services in its office website for having conversation with customer,and it will transform to Artificial services when the auto client services are unable to help the customer. As the social media, it is helpful to push people to create a system for managing all of MUJI’s social channels and activities. For example, as Mr kazama said,  “We have so many products in our line up that sometimes some products get missed when customers come to our stores. But if we let them know that they’re there, it would be a good way to sell those products.” Therefore, the social media of MUJI is significant for MUJI 's social commerce.
Crowdsourcing is that  using consumers to develop and market products. MUJI uses social media to expand their impact and collect the information and advisement from the custom.And MUJI likes to focus on anonymity. Even though famous and well known designers have worked on some product designs, the company usually prefers to keep the designer anonymous. Take one of MUJI's product for example, it is named "Transmutative Tatami" . It is a kind of Tatami which a Japanese traditional chair without legs and back. Because of the different seated position between western and Orient, there are many negative comments be left in social channels from Western world.Therefore, MUJI made the adjustment of this product ,and made the tatami can be shifted into a ground sofa. Finally, MUJI opan a new market and this product had been a  star product .

