
Chapter2 : Strategic Planning for a Competetive Advantage

In my opinion ,the best way to describe MUJI is that"a large 99 cent store" in the world,therefore, they might have been affected by star products like other companies because MUJI 's products have many kinds and cover many fields of people's life.The reasons of MUJI be successful are basic on their products quality , limpid Japanese style,and variety of product.
Today, I will take the MUJI's tea pot and my experience for example.
Firstly ,"Detail is everything",the high quality and humanization are the competetive advantage of MUJI'S products.I am into the culture of tea and I did not find out the tea pot how especial it is when I get it.One day I compared with a tea pot of another brand, and I found out the magic of MUJI's tea pot.On one hand , the quality of MUJI ' s tea pot is better than the same price level tea pot of another brands.On the other hand, it really surprise my is the detail of MUJI 's teapot. As a well know of overflow is misbehavior in tea culture,and the long of the tea pot water outlet and sieve prevent the tea overflow much better than the tea pots of another brands.

Secondly, limpid Japanese style is one of the products of MUJI's competetive advantages.Most part of people make the decision to buy MUJI's product because they like the Japanese style at the first time.After they found out the real enchantment of MUJI's products, they would buy more products which are same style  to build up and improve the integration of their life environment.

Finally,variety of product.is one of competetive advantages of MUJI. As I mentioned before, I would buy more MUJI's products when I want to build up and improve the integration of their life environment. Basic on the variety of product,the selling opportunity of derivative when a product was bought.For example, I would like to buy some tea cup when I bought a teapot.Just imagine then, there are more than 7000 kinds of products cover many fields of people's life,therefore, how many potential selling opportunity exist!!!

